Thursday, December 13, 2012

Selamat Malam?

Yay! Seneng banget rasanya, besok hari terakhir final exam, walaupun gue belum ulangan 4 mata pelajaran (yang gue lewatin gara-gara sakit) tapi gue udah merasa lega loh. Anddd, yang membuat gue seneng adalah hari Minggu gue bakal ke Jogja bersama teman-teman smaku! Hooray! Ga sabar banget, since kita bakal naik kereta api. Terakhir kali gue naik kereta api tuh kayanya 4,5 tahun yang lalu, pas pindah ke Jakarta. Gara-gara pesawat ngga terima untuk bawa kucing, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk naik kereta biar kucing-kucingnya bisa ikut pindahan juga :D


Finally, after 6 months of waiting, i went to the salon to get my hair cut. Nah, it doesn't make any difference, my hair just got layered. Agak bosen dengan model rambut lurus yang udah gue jalanin dalam satu tahun terakhir ini, ya mau panjang atau pendek, gue selama setahun bertahan dengan model potongan lurus rata gitu deh. Dan sekarang, gue mau mencoba percobaan baru, yaitu got layered! Uhuy, menurut lo gimana nih? Bagus ga? Atau ga keliatan bedanya? huhu.

Okay, I think that's all. And if you're wondering why I'm still awake this late in school days is only because I've eaten a lot of fried rice and I felt guilty so I have to stay awake for at least an hour so my food ga terlalu numpuk. Well yeah that explains all. Now I guess I have to hit the bed!  My lullaby before sleep for today will be;

and before I went to bed.. I found this.. :)

Goodnight Lovely Peeps

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Whoa! Another good song to listen. And another random video we have here! I have to go back to school tomorrow since today is Sunday. Don't feel like studying.. too lazy to move my ass to get the book. 
Photo on 11-14-12 at 7.10 PM #3
I was trying to match the earring I bought in Phuket with this striped shirt&green cardigan. Teehee have a good night y'all! :-D

Saturday, October 27, 2012

26 Sept

Wow udah lama banget yah since my last post here.. Now I wanna tell you guys about my birthday last September :) 

It was such an amazing day and yes, I won't forget every little thing that happened that day. 

N gave me this book made by himself :-) He wrote a story about a girl named Hanna, and a boy named Ped a.k.a him. He came to my house at 12 o'clock but the securities told him to go home because it's too late at night and they thought N might disturbed me //le sad. So he came back at 6 in the morning and gave the book to the securities and told 'em to gave it to me. When I received it, I felt so happy I cud cry in happiness because I didn't think this kind of thing might happen in my life.. I thought he wouldn't do this for me. So yeah yeah yeah, I was so HAPPY. He just made my entire day. He always knows how to make me happy.

Untitled Untitled Untitled

..and there was another card inside the box :))


then I went to school.. everyone in class act like there was nothing happened. They act normal but yeah, what would they do anyway? It was just another shitty monday anyway. But ahaha at the end of the day, they gave me surprise. Ahh they are my lovely ones!

Risca gave me this cute little mug thingy! Thank you &&&&&I love you Risca! Kisses!
got this Hershey's Kisses from Bintang! Thanks buddy! Then I went home and mom gave me a huge strawberry cheesecake. Happiness overload!! I love her, she is the best. Sadly, I couldn't spend my birthday with my father because he was out of town :---(
After maghrib, around 6 pm, I heard someone was knocking my door, when I opened it.. It was my gurl Anisaa Cattleya! Yayness++++++++ She brought D'Parish cupcakes //which was so delicious\\ and we made a video. I wish you guys see it lol.
So sad she just spent around 20 minutes in my house. But I feel delighted! I love u my korean girl.  So yeah, it was my bday so I shouldn't be alone! After Anis went home,  N came to my house to accompany me :-) yiipppppppyip!
isn't he lovely?

Well I guess that's all about my birthday. It was a blast &&& I love you guys loads!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lazy Monday

Feeling too lazy to open my book and study (or just read it) so I guess I'm going to write the list of my playlist for this month. Take a look&don't forget to hear some fella!
  1. Burial by Miike Snow
  2. Down River by The Temper Trap
  3. Punch and Judy by Elliott Smith
  4. More Of You by Mozella
  5. Young Folks by Peter Bjor & John
  6. Runner by Dustin O'Halloeran
  7. My Wandering Days Are Over by Belle & Sebastian
  8. Tonight by John Legend
  9. Poor Little Rich Boy by Regina Spektor
  10. Nothing Was Stolen (Love Me Foolishly) by Phosphorescent

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Until we meet again, Syira♡

Hi hi hi hi hi! Just got back from Gigi and it was a blast +++I had fun! It's always fun to learn and discover something new and interesting. The more we get to know it, the more we fall in love with it. And now I'm going to post some of Syira's Farewell Breakfast we had some weeks ago. I know It's too late, I know. But here they are *wink*
Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

It was too much tears going on there. I got too emotional for letting Syira go back to Pennsylvania :-( She is one of my bests.. Goodluck there my dear, enjoy your life there and have some fun

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I just found this cutie little badge in someone's blog and then I made one :-) I used to use it for my friendster's page back in 2008ish aaannnd now I'm using it again! And btw, have been busy with school stuffs. Too many assignments to do too little time I have..

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Dear

I know it's been so tough out there. I know life has been going not too well lately. But dear, don't give up. Maybe it's just another God's test for you, right? God will not give you another problem if God thinks that you can't solve it. So believe me, you can & you will. Remember, don't give up. Don't think that God hates you. And the most important, don't be tired. Keep fighting. Life is tough, but you have to keep moving to keep it going. 

je t'aime

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Eid Mubarak 1433H

Happy Eid Mubarak 1433 H to all muslim people in the world :-)
Enjoy the ketupat&opor ayam! &&&the most important food; nastar!

Friday, August 17, 2012


"Pada awalnya, semua orang bangga dengan pilihannya. Tapi pada akhirnya, tidak semua orang setia pada pilihannya.
Saat ia sadar bahwa yang dipilih mungkin tidak sepenuhnya seperti yang diimpikan.. Karena yang tersulit dalam hidup bukanlah memilih, tetapi bertahan pada pilihan.
Sedikit waktu mungkin sudah cukup untuk menentukan pilihan, tapi untuk bertahan pada pilihan tersebut, mungkin harus menghabiskan sisa usia yang dimiliki.."

Found these words above in my daddy's picture gallery.. Inspiring words indeed. And brighten up my brain a little bit, too. Strong meaning is the reason why I post these words here.. hehe 


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Radja Ketjil


Hi, so at Tuesday 14 August '12 me &some of my friends went to Radja Ketjil Terogong for dinner. The place is not too big and not too small. It fits around 30-50 people. The food taste is quite good I guess, not too special. I think the food are lil bit pricey too. But I had fun there because of these people I haven't met in months. I miss them sooo much. They're a part of my junior high school's memories too :)


Monday, August 13, 2012



he asked me to go to the zoo, so we went to the zoo together :) the zoo wasn't as crowded as I expected. Maybe because we went there too early and it was in Ramadhan, so yeah people were fasting and so on so on. It was an experience actually to go to the zoo with him, since the last time I go to the zoo, I got caught with a random virus from the zoo. 
On our way back from the zoo, we were jammin' to Calvin Jeremy's song called Berdua.

it's a nice love song, actually. so it would fits you perfectly if you're truly deeply madly in love with someone. *tongue out*

ps; i love him

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Gasya!






So, another birthday surprise to one of my closest friends back in junior high school :-)
Happy happy happy birthday Gasya!