Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm such a..?

Haha hello! I feel like the holiday is gonna end, soon. Sad? Of course! You know you won't get up at 12 and take a shower at 4pm. You have to wake up at 6am, take a super cold shower (or warm) and go to school in uniform! That sucks. But when you're having 2 months and 2 weeks holiday, you're gonna miss wearing your school uniform, meet all your friends in school, meet your teachers, writing on books and skipping boring or scary teacher class. And that's how i feel now. I miss my friends! The jerks, the bitches, the riots, the clevers, the talk-a-lot, the quiet and others. And of course i miss my best friends. That's just quiet funny when you're having a long holiday and you miss school. But when the time you have to go to school everyday, you want a holiday! Haha i know we're all the same. And i think i just can't face the truth that i have to go to new school, meet new friends, new teachers, new seniors, and everything different! I'll miss my friends, my teachers, Al-Ikhlas' building, and everything!!! I don't think i can face it.

Friday, May 20, 2011


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Just like the title, Hi. I'm here to tell my current feeling right now.
I'm pissed.

I don't know if i should to, but.. i'm so pissed right now. I'm going mad.
Don't you just hate it, when your close friend (well, used to) going to sleepover with your close friends and you're not invited? This is currently happening to me right now. And yeah, she didn't invited me. F*** YOU! I don't even remember how to spell that word right now. Rhh. I don't ven know what to write right now! That's because i'm so.. umm yeah angry, mad, and going to BOOM! And i just wanna say to that girl, i will not go to your party again, i will not go to every bull shit event you'll make, and yeah, don't talk to me right now. Or forever. Ever. Ever. and Ever.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Pada suka nonton Glee ga? Gue suka banget tuh, walaupun akhir-akhir ini gue ga terlalu ngikutin soalnya sibuk :) Nah trus pagi ini, pas gue ngubek-ngubek youtube, gue nemu cover-annya Glee gitu, lagunya Rebecca Black yang Friday. Pada tau kan? Itu loh yang ini..

trus covernya Glee yang ini..

Jelas enakan yang versi Glee ya kalo dibandingin. Tapi kan ga semua orang suka dibandingin, jadi kita menghargai juga lah hasil 'kerja keras' Rebecca Black. And btw, bagi senior year yang udah libur, gimana liburannya? Pasti seru ya, gue sih udah buat banyak rencana buat kedepannya, biasanya ada yang gagal ada yang engga, jadi doain semuanya berjalan lancarrr :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



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Hallo semua! gue seneng banget udah libur jadi ga ngapa-ngapain lg deh. Trus tadi gue iseng foto-fotoin kucing gue yang namanya Eevee yang lagi asik-asiknya di halaman rumah gue haha. Trus gue selipin foto kucing kesayangan gue :P Oh iya, besok gue mau foto buat buku angkatan nih, semoga gue keliatan kurusan dan cantikan wkwk. Toodles!