Thursday, December 29, 2011

Such a pretty word.

Long lost twin soul

"Maybe i was too selfish, but what i know i just tried to do my best. But i guess i didn't notice any sign from you that you understood me. "

December 2011, such a precious month, i promise i will never forget everything wonderful that happened in this month.. And i thank God, for giving me something that make me smile again, you. It's just somehow make me feel relief, amazed, and shocked to know that someone out there is sneaking out to find every little thing about you, and what matters most is, he loves you. I've never fell in love with someone beside my family before. I did adore some guys in my junior high school before, but it turns out to a waste of time.

Everyday is getting brighter with him by my side, and what in my mind before going to bed and after i wake up is him. No, I'm not trying to make this sounds cheesy, but this is what I'm feeling right now, in love. Sounds cheesy but yeah, I'm on it. 4 months of struggle and effort from him to get me.. I appreciate it. Sometimes he could be the selfish son of a biatch but sometimes he could be an angel from heaven.

21 January 2012 // 21112 - The journey has started.
I hope you will be something worth to remember in my life. Since you're my first one, have a try. You might know me more, and maybe you may hate me more. I might a person you've been searching for, or I might a person you'll regret later. Love you

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Upside down
Hello! Seneng banget sama bulan Desember. Kenapa? Tentu saja karena liburannya! Minggu kedua pada bulan Desember ini sekolah gue udah ngasih libur, seneng banget dapet 3 minggu libur natal&tahun baru. Dulu di Alix cuman 2 minggu. Nah pada minggu pertama gue libur, sekolah gue ngadain Osis Camp. Osis Camp adalah kaya pergi ke suatu tempat bareng2 satu angkatan dan sedihnya cowo sama cewe dipisah. Well, at first gue excited banget soalnya gue udah bayangin we'll go to somewhere cool and i was expecting beach! Tapi semua pemikiran gue salah, we didn't go to somewhere cool/beach, kita pergi ke Mekarsari, Taman Safari, dan Trans Studio. Sounds what? Yep, sounds cheesy and boring. Gue yang tadinya semangat banget mau ikut, begitu tau mau kesana, jadi mikir dua kali. Dan pada akhirnya.. gue ikut karena gue naydar gue udah bayar uang kegiatan diawal dan bakal hangus kalo gue ga ikut. Nah setelah gue ikut, gue sama sekali ga nyesel loh, yaaa gimana ya gue seneng aja ngumpul satu angkatan dan nginep bareng bareng and spend days together. Kita jadi saling kenal lebih jauh, lebih akrab, dan makin tau aib satu sama lain LOL. Dan 4 hari bersama itu bakal jadi salah satu pengalaman berharga di hidup gue :)

Day 3
Trans Studio Bandung
Me with.. apa yah.

me with the....?

Our expression when we about to take a ride on Vertigo!

me&Gulsah expressions when we about to take a ride on Vertigo!

Roller Coaster Baby!

our expressions when we were on the roller coaster. F-U-N
Day 1

Me wih si bule gila.

me&Gulsah. She's holding a bucket of Salak that we got for free!

Me with Cucut&Dara

me, cucut&dara

arinie, risca&me. on a bus to take a look around

Day 2
Taman Safari Indonesia

me with white tiger! :)

me with the white tiger. he was sleeping on my lap :"D
ps: he was stinky.
me with orang utan! :)

me with orang utan. Look how cut she is! She wasn't stinky like the tiger, and she was a little heavy but me adore her!


us with the cutie chihuahua!

When we were in the cottage, we took some 'fun' photos lol check it out.

stitch-two faced?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Aloha (again)

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Hi! It's been months since my last post. I read some of my old posts and realized i was sooo childish and emotional LOL. Now what shud i write? Nah i'm in my year-end holiday now. Feeling so good cause i don't have to wake up early and go to school in 3week holiday, yay me!

Now i'm a 10th grader in Kharisma Bangsa school. I've been a 10th grader for 6 months. Time flies fast. I met some new friends. At first i didn't get along that well, but now i think i have met some friends that have a lot in common, but yet, i haven't find the ones who have same taste of jokes and music.. /le sad. And in there, i feel the real solidarity of friends, it's just so different from junior high LOL. The boys are friendly and easy to talk to, me likey. And and and and what else? Hmm most of the seniors are friendly i think..