Friday, December 17, 2010

Yummeh :9 :9

SUP YO???? Kemaren gue nonton dvd (lagi). Gila gue libur baru 2 hari kerjaannya cuman nonton dvd sangking gatau mau ngapain. Nah kemaren gue nonton Scott Pilgrim. Filmnya bagus lumayan lah, tapi agak ngebosenin. Itu pendapat gue ya. Trus kadang-kadang ceritanya gajelas gitu tapi seru kok. And i'm not a fan of Michael Cera jadi ga terlalu tercengang ngeliatnya *bahasa apaan lagi*. Dan gue baru tau kalo film itu juga ada komiknya *telat*.

Scott Pilgrim Movie

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World [Still]

Nah gue menonton Scott Pilgrim ga sendirian dong. Gue kalo nonton dvd ga pernah sendirian. Kemaren gue nontonnya ditemani oleh.. *drumroll*


Spaghetti bikinan Mba Ipah! Enak banget parah. Itu adalah makanan terakhir yang masuk ke perut gue kemaren. Dan itu spaghettinya abis dalam waktu berapa menit (//_-) sungguh memalukan. Anyway, tadi malem gue niat banget buat bangun pagi hari ini. And voila! gue emang bangun pagi hari ini. Sekitar jam 6an gitu lah, nah gue langsung nonton dvd (lagi, lagi, dan lagi) My Girlfriend's Boyfriend. It's not a good movie, fyi.

My Girlfriend's boyfriend.

Agak ngebosenin hahaha trus yang main ga terlalu menarik actingnya jadi gue bosen. Ditambah lagi gue nontonnya jam 6 pagi gitu gimana ga ngantuk. Banyak banget adegan yang gue cepet-cepetin dan alur ceritanya gampang ketebak. So, jangan beli dvd bajakannya entar rugi kaya gue *curhat (lagi)*. Nah setelah gue nonton itu sekitar jam 8 kurang, gue langsung kembali tidur sampe jam 2 siang. Kebo abis.. Pas bangun-bangun ade gue udah pulang sekolah, nyokap gue udah pergi reuni, trus di depan kamar gue berisik banget sama temen-temen ade gue yang main ps. Dan sekarang gue nulis blog ini karena bosan. Begonya, gue baru nyadar gue harus belajar karna besok gue mau tes di suatu sekolah gitu. Jadi... gue belajar dulu ya.. Doain hasil tesnya bagus jadi gue bisa pergi ke Amrik. *apa hubungannya* Oke gue cao dulu bye!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some things that i did yesterday.

Halo. Pake bahasa indonesia aja ya. lagi ga mood ehe ehe ehe. *curhat*So, akhir-akhir ini kamar gue berantakan tak terurus gara-gara gue sibuk belajar buat EHB, UAN, dan sebagainya. Dan Alhamdulillah, hari jum'at kemaren, EHBnya selesai. Yeayy! Nah pas gue udah selesai EHB, gue pulang kan, pas masuk ke kamar, gue melihat kamar gue berantakan tak teratur. Akhirnya gue berniat untuk ngerapihin hari itu. Ehh, sampe malem meja belajar gue masih belom rapi juga. Trus gue menengok sedikit ke ujung kamar, nah ada kaya sejenis lemari tanpa pintu yang ga terlalu tinggi buat tempat naro buku-buku pelajaran, dll kan. It was a mess. Pinggirnya penuh coret-coretan ga jelas dan jujur gue enek ngeliatnya. Lalu gue mikir, apa yang harus gue lakukan untuk membuatnya jadi bagus.. dan..., voila! gue dengan random menciprat-ciprat cat air ke atasnya. Pas kering, tada! gue seneng banget ngeliatnya. Udah ga enek lagi. Hehe. Coba diliat..


Thoughts? hehe.
Dan, buku-buku pelajaran gue dan teman-temannya gue pindahin ke meja belajar gue. Liat deh..

Believe it or not, itu jauh lebih rapi dari pada pas gue taro di lemari kecil tadi :). And ignore the poster please, itu belom selesai gue beresin jadi masih berantakan kemana-mana hahaha. Dan setelah itu, gue berniat untuk membuka tumblr dan teman-temannya! Pas gue buka..

my internet connection running so slow.

the internet connection was running so effing slow. gue udah bete banget itu kan, akhirnya gue karaokean aja pake mini lyrics yippie! *promosi* tapi beberapa jam kemudian, gue bosen. Akhirnya gue nonton dvd. Gue nonton Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging sama Mean Girls. I know i'm so 2000 and lame. Tapi gue bener-bener belom pernah nonton filmnya dan gue tertarik banget. *curhat part 2* Akhirnya gue nonton deh..

And i found my ex-boyfriend, Aaron Johnson. :b Gosh, he's beyond amazing. Why would i broke up with him? Just kidding, lol. Here are some scenes from the movie..

"Bitch in a Uniform"
O O O, so mean..

Angus, thongs, and perfect snogging scenee

"I think you're mad."
that's just.. too.. sweet :')

Angus, thongs, and perfect snogging scene
lesson for me! :D

i'm just hoping that someday my life will be like her.. got someone she loves and not caring about being perfect. thinking about this just made me feel my life is miserable. And here are the mean girls scene. I capture it by myself.

Mean Girls.

haha look at the subtitle! itu adalah bahasa malaysia. pusing banget bacanya ga ngerti mending gedein volume daripada baca subtitlenya haha.


the hottie!!! wondering who's that? it's Jonathan Bennett! He's so gergous, right? dia ganteng banget nget nget sampe bikin ngiler. boong deng, ga selebay itu. nah, itu adalah hal-hal yang gue lakuin kemarin. kayanya ini adalah the end of this post. so, bye bye! :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

History Chat.

Pretending ain't easy. i've tried to pretend to myself about my feeling for a long time but it doesn't work. and 2 days ago is 12 December 2010 which means that it's offically a year since he greet me. i know it sounds unimportant for you, but for me, it means a lot. i was thinking "what will i do today?" "will i go to pim today and re-do everything that i did a year ago?" sound so lame. it won't change anything. that day will not come again. it only happens once. then i was like "okay then, let me just read my really old chat history with him." but then again, i realized, my chat history with him has gone with no reason. i searched in recycle bin too and it wasn't there. haha. maybe Allah made some great plans for me. and maybe it's better to not to read it. and yeah, i wasn't trying to search it.. but, i did some lame, useless, worthless, and wasting-time things. i downloaded like tons of love songs. play it over and over again till some water came out from my eyes. i did that thing from 9:00 am till 11:00 pm. what a stupid bitch.. then i was like going emo for the whole day yeah (//_-).

Then today, 14 December '10, now, 1:02 am, i'm thinking to search my history chat with him. so, i've made my decision. i won't stop till i finish it. so i'm searching like an hour then i found it. bam! at first, i was afraid to open and read it, but then, i was like "u've searched this like for an hour and you don't even brave enough to open it????" then i opened it. read it. and.. tears came down from my eyes(8). and a little laugh too, lol. when i read it, i got some things; first, it was January '10 when i still have my bestfriends to chat with me at 12:01 am till morning. when there are still conversation room for me, syira, athiya, and him. i miss that thing so much. the fact that now, syira's gone(not gone die, but gone means leave *sigh*) me with her korean thingy, and him, he might be not remember me again. ''who are you?" these are first words that gonna come out when i'll greet him, maybe. and athiya, she's still there. still with me. perhaps she's the only one who isn't leave or change. and second, i was just too stupid. so stupid till i can't explain anything.

15 January 2010 was the last time he talked to me. the nice way, i mean. yeah we talked a little bit after that day, but he's so.. being like douche. there's no hope again. and maybe, he's not the one. there are lot of boys out there, go outside and find the right one, han! :) sorry for curhat, cause i have no one to talk to right now. School tomorrow, so i gotta go to sleep. toodles! xxo

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Fake smile.

this is me, making some fake smiles. i try to smile, eventhou i know it hurts.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Exam Week.

Look what i've done to my room.

My messy rack.

My super duper messy rack.

My desk table.

My messy desk table.

Studying math.

And it's all because i've been studying in the past 2 weeks for exam. I almost not recognized that my room has been that dirty. I should do clean up after this exam. And i want you to wish me luck for the test okay? Wish me a good score okay? Love you. XOXO

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where are you going?

We used to share jokes to each other. We used to laugh together. We used to share secrets each other. I used to accompany you to go to somewhere. We used to hang out at the mall every weekend. We used to go to library every time school ends. I used to go to your house every week. I miss you. I know you were mad because i didn't tell you about my holiday. But hey, don't you realize? Everytime i tried to tell you, you were so busy with the other stuff, busy with 'her', busy dancing like a fool, busy talking, screaming, and fangirling over that thing. Now who should get angry? it's me. i've been tell my story to just one person. Now u don't even realize this. Maybe this is goodbye?

Sweet Escape.

Holla! So, here's the story..
I went to Singapore at 30 Nov-1 Dec. My plan just go to Universal, buy some candies and come back again to Jakarta. Nah, my hotel is located in Little India. I bet u know that place, aren't u? I was alone in the hotel so i turned on my ipod and got it shuffle. And the song that came out first is *ba-dum-tss* Whip My Hair-Willow Smith. Then, i tried to make the music video lol. Here's the screen capture;

The last one is epic fail. My mom laughed so hard when she saw that pict. Umm, when i was inside the plane, when me&my family were about to arrive, i looked out at the window, and saw awesome, pretty, and beautiful clouds. So i turned my camera on and snap! that thing. Look below

Sorry if it's not as good as u've imagine. Cause my camera is not a dslr camera. So, the 2nd day in there, i went to Universal Studio.

It's obvious that i was so happy and enjoying my life there. It was a super quality time with my family. Um excuse me, can i repeat it? No? Oh Ok..
